Fans of the popular Indian animated series, The Legend of Hanuman, can rejoice as the much-anticipated third season of the show has been officially announced with a release date. The series, which follows the story of a young Hanuman and his adventures, has been a hit among viewers of all ages.
Season 3 Release Date Announced
The third season of The Legend of Hanuman is set to be released on April 16, 2021. The series, which is produced by Graphic India and created by Jeevan J. Kang, has already garnered a huge fan following due to its exciting story and characters. The show follows the story of a young Hanuman, as he embarks on a journey to discover his true power and destiny.
India to Receive Legend of Hanuman
The third season of The Legend of Hanuman will be available in India on Disney+ Hotstar. The show has already been released in other countries such as the USA and Canada, and is now set to be released in India. Viewers in India will be able to watch the show through the streaming service, which is available on both mobile and web platforms.
The Legend of Hanuman season 3 is sure to be a hit with viewers in India, as it will give them the opportunity to follow the adventures of a young Hanuman and experience his journey as he discovers his true power and destiny. The show is set to be released on April 16, 2021, so be sure to mark your calendars!