Maruti Suzuki recently announced the launch of their new 5-door Jimny in India in 2022. The new 5-door Jimny is set to be an upgrade from the current 3-door model and will come with a host of features and upgrades. The expected price tag of the new 5-door Jimny has been a topic of speculation among car enthusiasts and potential buyers. In this article, we take a look at the expected price of the Maruti Suzuki Jimny 5-door in India for 2022.
Maruti Suzuki Jimny 5-door Price
The Maruti Suzuki Jimny 5-door is expected to be priced between Rs 7.5 lakhs and Rs 10 lakhs. This price range is slightly higher than the current 3-door model, which is priced between Rs 6.5 lakhs and Rs 8.5 lakhs. The new 5-door Jimny is expected to come with additional features and upgrades, which may justify the higher price tag.
2022 India Launch
The Maruti Suzuki Jimny 5-door is expected to launch in India in 2022. The exact launch date is yet to be announced by Maruti Suzuki. However, the company is expected to start accepting pre-orders for the new 5-door Jimny soon.
The Maruti Suzuki Jimny 5-door is set to be a much-awaited launch in India in 2022. With its expected price tag between Rs 7.5 lakhs and Rs 10 lakhs, the new 5-door Jimny is sure to be a popular choice among car enthusiasts. We expect Maruti Suzuki to announce more details about the new 5-door Jimny soon.