Tekken 3, the most famous street fighting game is now available for free download in full version. Now you can enjoy Tekken 3 Arcade fighting game on PC too.
Tekken 3 Street fighting Pc game can now be downloaded for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows 98 and other Windows Operating systems. Tekken 3 has also been made for other platforms like MAC, Linux, and Android. It is also developed for Xbox, PSP, PS2, and PS3. This game is one of the most popular games ever made in the history.
Tekken 3 is basically a Street fighting game upon 1vs1 fight in rounds. In this game, the man playing the game has to fight with the other player which is his opponent either it could be a computer or may it be the other human man playing. It was first made in 90’s and has got a large hall of fame because in that era fighting games were rare in number. Due to its marked differences of quality and other features it has been liked by many people.
Tekken 3 was first made for PSP and later on due to unique features of Arcade gaming it has been developed for other operating systems like Windows or PC, PS2, PS3, and Xbox. It was made in the year of 1997 and in the very first year of its development people started to love this game and later on it was made for PlayStations. The development of Tekken 3 revolutionized the whole gaming world and has attracted a lot of people belonging to every age towards itself.
In Tekken 3 game the user is provided with an option of choosing for its player with which he can play the game. There are more than 20 players included in this game all these player are either the supposed fighting characters or they are the real heroes of the fighting or the wrestling world.
These are the names of the players which are the part of the Tekken 3 Download game:
*Paul phoenix *Nina Williams *Panda *Yoshimitsu *Lei Wulong *Anna Williams Mishima *Jin Kazama *Ling Xiaoyu *Hwoarang *King II *Forest Law *Kuma II *Bryan Fury *Gun Jack *Mokujin *Ogre-1 *Heihachi *True Ogre *Eddy Gordo *Tiger Jackson *Gon
The player has to choose one among these players and then he has to fight with the other players of the above-mentioned player respectively i.e. the final player after which the player wins the whole game contest is the True ogre and similarly the first fight of player is with Paul phoenix. After completing all the challenges of the Tekken 3 free game the player sees the victory of his selected fighter.
Controls of Tekken 3 are much so simpler and can be easily customized. The controls can be made changed according to the situation and need if you are playing on a PlayStation you will defiantly have a joystick and fi you are playing Tekken 3 after its download on PC you would adjust your controls according to the Keyboard buttons.
Tekken 3 was the addition to Tekken 1 and Tekken 2 games. After the development of Tekken 3, it was felt a great need of making more additions to the Tekken game series and making its download accessible to people, hence its developers NAMCO made more versions of this game. Tekken tag, Tekken 4, Tekken 5/DR, Tekken 6, Street fighter X, Tag 2 tournament are the resulted developments which are made further after this game by NAMCO.